Saturday 11 June 2016

Moving On Ceremony

Here is the link for photos taken at the Moving On ceremony.

Moving On Ceremony

Your child will be able to open the link as the photos are stored in a google folder.



Thursday 2 June 2016

Last Post

It is with sadness that I write this last post for our school year.

It has been a busy end, but a lovely time to spend with my students to see the joy they feel at having achieved so much this year and the excitement & nervousness about moving on to the Secondary school.

I will try and post some pictures as soon as they become available of the moving on ceremony today. I will also post some other pictures that I have taken over the past week or so.

Thank you for coming and celebrating with us.

Our students showed just how confident they are and we were all very proud!

Thank you all so much for your support this year. It meant so much to me to be able to share our student's learning together.

I hope you have a wonderful summer relaxing with your families. Stay safe!

I will be travelling with my family during June, but will be back for a few weeks at the end of the month to spend some time enjoying my favourite parts of Phnom Penh.

My husband Peter and I will travel to Shanghai in the first week of July to begin our new challenge of starting the MYP in a new school on the outskirts of the city.

I wish you all the very best for the future and maybe our paths will cross once again!

Kind regards,


Monday 30 May 2016

End of Year Reminders

Reading -Summer Reading **FROM MS. ANN**
What will you check out?
The Reading Lists can be viewed here:

Moving On Ceremony
  • Plan out your outfit! What will you wear? Is it ironed?
  • Practice your speech.
  • Have you reminded your parents?
Popular Songs in Grade 5
History - One Direction
Grade 5 celebration party
Please make sure you bring something for the end of year celebration on Friday from 10:30-11:30am. Please don’t bring chips because we have a lot from the exhibition party we had. Cut up fruit or vegetables would be fabulous. Maybe some silly party hats or jewelry for everyone would be fun!
Things to remind your parents
Thursday 2nd June: Grade 5 moving on ceremony. 8am- 9am and ALL of your parents are INVITED!
Friday 3rd June: Early Dismissal at 11:30am.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Message from Ms. Ann

Summer Reading Lists:
Parents, staff and students are invited to contribute to our ISPP Summer Reading lists - suggestions and ideas of books we would like to read this summer (not limited to books we have in our Libraries).  There are four Summer Reading Lists:
  • Early Years to Grade 1
  • Grades 2 to 5
  • Secondary Students
  • Staff and Parents
The Reading Lists can be viewed here:
Please fill in this survey to add your ideas and suggestions to the lists:

Happy reading!

Saturday 14 May 2016

The Brain Investigation

Last week, we read a story about a girl, who told us a heart warming story about her brother who died, because he did not wear a helmet when riding his bicycle. This led us into discussing the different parts of the brain and what they do. We researched into this and put our thought onto a Cornell Note taking sheet using colours to highlight the different parts of the brain.

Next week, we will research about brain injuries using Kids Health, so we can be knowledgeable about why we need to protect our heads.

Here are pictures of our work for you enjoyment.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

The Human Body

Yesterday, G5MM built a model of the human body out of play dough.

Whilst first learning to follow the procedures of the recipe to make the play dough, and supporting each other to make sure the dough was of the right consistency, we then set about creating the different systems in the body.

It was a time of great team work, as everyone had to collaborate, cooperate and be creative as an individual body system group, as well as a whole class team, for this to be successful.

The class was very proud of their creation and found that the exercise not only helped them clarify the position of different organs, but also got them interested in further investigation.  

We teachers were proud of our students' perseverance and creativity, but also the neat and tidy manner with which they set about achieving this task.  They tidied up as they went and were very mature about the use of the play dough ingredients, thinking about what they needed before they took action. 

It was a very successful activity that we spent time reflecting on this morning.

Here are the pictures to tell the story.